These are a list of the things that our veterinarians may recommend for
back pain or back injury with your pet.
- CT (Computed Tomography)
- Pain Medications
- Amantadine
- Gabapentin
- Muscle Relaxants
- Weight Loss and Exercise
- Anti-Inflammatory Medications
- Steroid Therapy
- Fiber
- Injectable Adequan
- Heat and Massage Therapy
- Acupuncture and Chiropractic Adjustment
- Supplements
- Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
- Prolotherapy
- PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)
- Stem Cell Therapy
- Ozone Therapy
- Cold Laser Therapy
A CT scan of the spine may be necessary in diagnosing the extent of
the spinal injury or degeneration. Herniations of the disc may require Surgical intervention if medical
management is not an option, depending on the grade of clinical signs.
Tramadol, Methadone, hydromorphone, and buprenorphine are morphine type
products that can help with back pain. This product may cause constipation; therefore, laxatives are
Used for treatment of chronic pain. It works by partially blocking a receptor within the
central nervous system that is associated with pain pathways. Works best combined with other pain
relievers such as NSAIDS, gabapentin, and/or tramadol.
Used to treat chronic neuropathic pain, often caused by spinal injuries. Works best
combined with other pain relievers such as NSAIDS, tramadol, and/or amantadine.
Methocarbamol or Diazepam may be used to help reduce the amount of muscle
spasms that your pet may experience with back pain. These are recommended if they are restless,
panting, or unable to sleep at night.
If your pet is overweight we will recommend weight loss. Exercise is
recommended to keep the muscles in the back strong. Leash walk or swimming is the best exercise.
Absolutely no fetch, jumping should be allowed for the next month, as this type of exercise can continue
to injure the back.
May include rimadyl, metacam, etc. These cannot be given with any
type of cortisone, and should be discontinued if any vomiting or diarrhea is noted.
Prednisone (cortisone) may be recommended for disc disease, this cannot be given
with any aspirin type products. Some potential side effects include: diabetes, liver disease, immune
suppression, and stomach ulcers.
We recommend fiber to prevent constipation. Some sources of fiber include canned pumpkin,
benefiber, vetasyl, or metamucil. Give 1-4 tablespoons of canned pumpkin per feeding. Give 1/4 – 1
cracker of metamucil 2 times per day. Docusate sodium (Colace) may also be recommended for
Can speed healing with arthritis and with disc disease. This is usually given 1-2
times per week for one month, then monthly.
Applied on the area that is painful may help relax the muscles and aid
in recovery. This can be performed daily at home. “Tail pulls” may also be effective at aiding your pet if
they have thrown their back out or are having muscle spasms.
Duralactin is highly recommended as an effective anti-inflammatory agent for
arthritis in the back and back injuries. This will probably be recommended for life if your pet injures their
back. Fish oil appears to be helpful in the treatment and prevention of back injuries and arthritis. Fish oil
does take some time to build up in the body to start showing its effectiveness.
During HBOT, 100% oxygen flows into the hyperbaric chamber under
pressures of 1.5 to 3 times that of normal atmospheric pressure. Very large amounts of oxygen are
dissolved in the plasma, and can diffuse 4 times deeper into the tissue than oxygen carried by the red
blood cells. This assists in reducing swelling, inflammation, pressure, and edema that is often caused by
spinal cord injuries and promotes healing.
Involves injecting a solution into/around tendons, ligaments, or joints which
enhances the inflammatory process and promotes cellular activity. This helps scar tissue to form, which
also may strengthen the weak tissue and restabilize the joints or discs.
assists with natural anti-inflammatory and pain relief. Concentrated
amounts of platelets and growth factors are injected into the damaged tendon or ligament, which
stimulates the cells to bring more cells to the injured area and promotes healing.
Injecting live stem cells into the discs can help potentially reverse the
degeneration of the disc disease by re-myelinating the cells, which enhances the regeneration of
damaged and surviving nerve cells.
Injection of ozone gas around the spine or subcutaneously can help reduce
inflammation locally and promote healing by increasing the amount of oxygen in the damaged tissues.
Deep penetrating light increases blood circulation to the affected area, which
helps relieve pain by releasing endorphins and stimulates injured cells to heal.
Important: With disc disease, it is possible for your pet to become completely paralyzed. If this
happens, surgery may be the only solution for this condition. Monitor your pet closely through the
recovery period, and recheck immediately if worse or if not improving.
Please call us at (480) 674-3200 with any questions!