An Ultrasound is an Imaging technique, which allows us to evaluate the inner abdomen of your pet in real life. It uses sound waves and echoes, which will get transformed into an image.
When is it recommended?
- Abnormal blood work values
- Vomiting and/or diarrhea that is not responding to treatment
- Abnormalities noticed during your pets exam: like distended abdomen or irregular abdominal
palpation - Confirming abnormal X-Rays findings
- Collection cytologic samples
- Other
Referrals for Abdominal Ultrasounds from other veterinarians are available at GQ. Our Doctor will perform the ultrasound imaging and obtain a radiology consultation by a boarded radiology specialist. We then forward you the report and refer your client back to you for follow-up care. This, in a way, helps to add an outside diagnostic tool to your hospital and increases your ability to care for your patients yourself, without having to purchase and learn new diagnostic equipment! Please contact 480-674-3200 if you would like to arrange for your patient to have an appointment with one of our veterinarians for a referral ultrasound consultation service.