Many people choose not to neuter their male pet because they believe it takes away their “manhood” or makes their pet less masculine. Some people think that neutering can change their pet’s personality and may make them gain weight. While some people’s reasoning may be true, the benefits of neutering far outweigh the reasons for keeping your pet intact (not neutered). Below are listed the advantages of neutering. Please keep them in mind when deciding what is best for your pet’s health and well-being.
Advantages of Neutering Your Pet
- Neutering prevents cancer of the testicles and prostate
- Birth control
- Greatly decreased chance of prostate diseases
- Neutering helps curb unwanted marking of territory
- Decreased aggressive and territorial tendencies
- Intact pets tend to frequently escape and roam to find mates
After your pet’s surgery, you will notice he will be sleepy, possibly for a few days, as the anesthesia wears off. Some pets prefer to be alone in a quiet, dark area to recuperate. This is completely normal and should be allowed.
You will be given pain medications for your pet to keep him comfortable. The doctor may send home additional medication for sedation, if necessary, if he is normally very active. It is important to keep him from jumping, playing and running around for about one week so that his incision may heal properly.
If you have any questions about what to expect with your pet’s neuter, please feel free to call. Our nurses would be more than happy to answer any questions you have. We understand that pets are not just pets; they are beloved members of the family.